Lamp of Jerusalem
Good News to the People of the World! The Lamp of Jerusalem Deliverance Ministry was founded in the early Nineties by Prophet Stanley Kuforiji through direct revelation from the LORD OF HOSTS. The movement began after some powerful Missionary groups and Priests who also saw the same great vision as revealed by God sat together and prayed for the Mission in Israel, Jerusalem during pilgrimage in that same year of revelation.
Other affiliate bodies whose visions and dreams are to further carry out the good work of this Mission as ordained are:THE KINGDOM PARTNERS: mandated to carry out the organization’s Missionary projects including intensive Overseas Missionary and Deliverance Crusades at all the territories of the world. The Kingdom Partners are all blessed children of GOD
Throughout this glorious Year 2019, remember the prophecy to keep praising the Lord with Psalm 30.
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Beloved, now is your time to enjoy all the blessings of God as a covenant child if you sincerely believe and have full faith in the Lord God who created you. We are in a violent world, and the target of the devil is the destiny of man, and that’s why I admonish you to come to Jesus today and surrender your life to Him to forgive your sins and save you. Bible says,”……….the devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil”. 1 John 3:8. The precious Blood of Jesus Christ shall cleanse you and you shall be blessed and fulfill your destiny on earth and also go to paradise in the last days as ordained for you. “And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony….” Revelation 12:11. Today, we pray for you that the mighty power of the Lord from above shall overshadow you, and you shall be saved and delivered in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
We found that millions of people are in evil bondage and are looking for solutions to their problems. We want you to join hands and help these people out by leading them to true Bible Believing gospel missionary of Christ to receive genuine salvation. By doing this there will be peace, harmony, love, fruitfulness, happiness, joy, abundance etc on the surface of the earth and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would be glad to meet the kind of Christian Church that he desires to meet on earth on his return.
The people who God will bless are those who love Him and obey His commandments; those who earnestly seek Him and who have the minds of God. Read the stories of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Noah, Job, Daniel, David and the complete story of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom redemption came into the world. May you be established in the house of the Lord forevermore as you surrender your life totally to Christ. AMEN…